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Vermason disposable ESD booties are designed to be worn by personnel grounded via a Person/footwear/flooring system per EN 61340-5-1 Table 2 “For standing operations, personnel can be grounded via a wrist strap system or by a flooring-footwear system.” [IEC 61340-5-1 Edition 1 2007-08 clause 5.3.2 Personnel grounding]Vermason disposable ESD Booties are to be worn with grounding tab placed in the person’s shoe under their foot with grounding tab portion at bottom of the Bootie in contact with ESD flooring. booties are to be worn on both feet, and while worn should be tested per IEC 61340-5-1 Clause A.2 using a footwear tester. Booties are a suitable ESD footwear component in IEC 61340-5-1 person/footwear/flooring system tested per IEC 61340-4-5. Need a Sample – Request it Here

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